Intermediate French Textbook Pdf
Learn French vocabularymost effectively bymaking and usingflash cards.Discover other helpfulhere.92 lessons, 250 hoursof instructionIncludes CDs, textbook,user's guide. Instruction inlistening, reading, speaking,& writing, vocabulary &grammar.Includes 7000 words& 4 vocab-buildinggames. ByTracy D Terrell, Mary B.
Rogers, 5th ed. Deuxmondes is widely regarded as the most communicative text availablefor beginning French courses. Based on the Natural Approach developedby Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen, this text offers beginning languagestudents a way to develop language proficiency, especially in listeningand speaking, that allows them to participate in real conversationsat a very early stage. Following this approach, Deux mondespresents material inductively (so that the activities drive the grammar),students quickly become excited about their rapid growth in comprehensionand vocabulary acquisition and enjoy speaking in the non-threateningenvironment made possible by the activity formats.
Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook is a sequel to its sister volume Basic Korean: A Grammar and Workbook, and it likewise focuses on providing an accessible reference grammar explanation and related exercises in a single volume. It is designed for independent English-speaking. Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (Coursebook) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate) Revised and Updated ed. The most complete textbook and workbook for French Learners (French Edition) Frederic Bibard. 4.7 out of 5 stars 20. Kindle Edition.
McGraw-Hill, by Michael Oates, LarbiOukada, 5th ed. Entre amis is a performance-orientedprogram designed to expand students' interpersonal, interpretive,and presentational communicative skills by introducing and rehearsingsituations similar to those they will encounter in real life. Thetext offers thorough coverage of all four-language skills with a strongemphasis on oral communication. The language presented and practicedis always embedded in a French cultural context.
Houghton MifflinFrench in Action: A BeginningCourse in Language and Culture, Part 1, by Pierre Capretz, 2nded.(1997), (2003),(1994). This innovative video-based French languageprogram effectively combines video, audio, and text to help studentsuse real, unsimplified French in the dynamic context of actual communication.Yale U Press. By Judith A Muyskens, Alice C. OmaggioHadley, 6th ed. (2002) This complete beginning college-levelFrench program has a fully integrated multimedia package.
The overallgoal is to provide students with the basic tools of vocabulary, grammar,and pronunciation, along with abundant and varied opportunities forpracticing French in communicative and interactive contexts. EmphasizingFrench within a cultural context and as it is spoken in authentic,everyday situations, Rendez-vous strives to develop proficiencyin the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, whileintroducing students to the richness and diversity of the French-speakingworld.
McGraw-Hill, byJames S. Noblitt, 2nd ed. This software programprovides learners with rapid access to language reference materialswhile composing in a standard word processor. The toolbar allows usersto readily look up vocabulary and phrases, check usage, and referto grammar notes while writing.
Contains an 80,000 word bilingualdictionary with native-speaker pronunciation of words. By Evelyne Amon,Judith A. Muyskens, Alice C. Omaggio Hadley, 4th ed. Thefourth edition includes a fully integrated and revised multimediapackage, as well as updated cultural information. The overall goalof the text is to promote a balanced four-skills approach to learningFrench through a wide variety of listening, speaking, reading, andwriting activities, while introducing students to the richness anddiversity of the Francophone world.
McGraw-Hill, byL. Kathy Heilenman, Isabelle Kaplan, Claude Tournier, 5th ed. (2006).This introductory French textbook allows studentsto communicate meaningfully in French while encouraging them to interactwith and respond to French and francophone cultures and literatures.It has abundant teacher support and resources and effectively helpsstudents to develop their reading, writing, listening and speakingskills. By ElizabethA. Blood, Yasmina Mobarek, 2nd ed. Intrigueis an intermediate French program that presents grammar, vocabulary,culture, and literature within the context of a compelling fictionalmystery story. Using a unique approach, the book develops the fourbasic communicative skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)while exposing students to the different cultures of the French-speakingworld.
The mystery evolves through the narratives, dialogues, listeningcomprehension selections, communicative activities, and grammar exercisesin the textbook. Each activity gives insight into the characters'motives by giving clues related to the twists and turns of the storyline.Prentice Hall. By Hannelore Jarausch,Clare Tufts, 4th ed. Designed specificallyfor one-semester intermediate French courses, Sur le vif offersa contextualized review of the fundamentals, adding just enough newmaterial to expand the language skills of students without overwhelmingthem. Since the textbook is divided into an in-class conversationtext and an out-of-class grammar reference, instructors may chooseamong readings, activities, and grammar practice to meet the variedneeds of intermediate students. The 9 short chapters skillfully weavegrammar review into thought-provoking chapter themes, while refiningreading, listening, composition, and conversation skills. Heinle, by Raymond F.
Comeau, Normand J. Lamoureux (2002).This one-volume intermediateFrench text is derived from the popular four-volume Ensembleprogram.
Each chapter contains grammar explanations in English withcontextualized exercises and communicative activities, a wide varietyof authentic materials, and cultural, historical, or literary readings.Numerous lively and communicative exercises encourage students toexperiment with the language in context, moving form theory to practice.Wiley. FRENCHREADERS (BEGINNING & INTERMEDIATE), byCamille Bauer, 6th ed. This reader of simplifiedselections includes pre- and post-reading activities, communicativeactivities, and review exercises. The book includes grammatical explanationsfor the basic structures and footnote translations for unfamiliarvocabulary and features selections by the acclaimed French authorsDumas, Hugo, Bernard, Verne, Mme. De Beaumont, Perrault, and Diop.Houghton Mifflin, byAnne-Marie Bourbon, Debra Popkin, Gloria Sawicki (1999).
Thisreader for French is the perfect supplement for any beginning or intermediateFrench grammar text. McGraw-Hill, by EvelyneAmon (2005). This collection of four original shortstories brings the Francophone world to life through the experiencesof students and young professionals in France, Guadeloupe, Belgium,and Canada. Accompanied by activities, the stories are written specificallyfor high-beginner and intermediate learners of French.
Charactersare portrayed in authentic, everyday situations and cultural settingsthat will pique student interest and offer a glimpse of daily lifein different French-speaking countries, encouraging students to readfor pleasure in French and thereby further develop their languageskills. McGraw-Hill, byCamille Bauer, 4th ed. This reader providesoriginal readings and simplified selections from different periodsof French literature. Pre- and post-reading activities are provided,as well as communicative activities and review exercises segmentsat the end of each section. Grammatical explanations for the basicstructures and structural exercises appear in each selection.
HoughtonMifflin, by GeoffreyHope, Quentin Hope, 3rd ed. Designed to helpintermediate-level students develop reading ability in French —especiallyin preparation for the study of literature (narrative fiction)— L'Artde lire presents nine modern, intriguing, humorous, moving, exciting,well-paced, interesting, and accessible French short stories. PrenticeHallSee additional. ByKaren Harrington, Josette Penso-Cortes (1996). Faisonsle point!
Has two complementary goals. First, as a collectionof texts drawn from the popular media, it is a conversational toolthat will encourage students to use their basic knowledge of Frenchto discuss timely events, thereby strengthening their confidence inthe use of the French language. Second, it will enable students todiscover the intricacies and delights of French culture and society.The text's primary means of attaining these goals is to apply contemporaryculture to the practice of reading, writing, oral and aural skills.Approprate for intermediate-level French conversation or culture courses.Prentice Hall. ByDenise Rochat (2005).
Contrastes is a Frenchgrammar program that can be used as an integral part of an intermediateor advanced course or on its own as a reference grammar. It anticipatesand provides answers to typical questions and common confusions encounteredby English-speaking students. Contrastes is ideal for Frenchlanguage courses, study abroad programs, translation courses, seniorseminars, and graduate courses in the teaching of French.
PrenticeHall, by GrahamBishop, Bernard Haezewindt (2005). This book aidsintermediate to advanced students of French write clearly, coherentlyand appropriately in a variety of contexts.
Meant either for self-studyor classroom use, the text is structured to guide students towarda better awareness of word choice, register usage, and stylistic differences.Each chapter contains a selection of model texts, activities, andnotes on the format, style, and language usage demonstrated in thetext. Routledge, by James Strancel(1996). Ecouter pour s'exprimer is a listeningcomprehension text for intermediate to advanced French students. Designedto develop students' listening skills, the 15 chapters and their listeningpassages cover a wide range of interesting topics.
The task-basedorientation sets it apart from other intermediate French texts. Inaddition to the listening comprehension activities, the book includesreading and writing activities and topics for group discussion, partnerrole-plays, and individual projects. McGraw-Hill, by RaymondF.
Comeau, Normand J. Lamoureux, 7th ed. Thisbook first provides a brief review of basic grammatical structuresin a clear and concise format, then tackles intermediate grammaticaltopics that will help readers develop their knowledge of the Frenchlanguage as well as gain the ability to use it orally and in writing.Wiley, Leon-FrancoHoffmann, Jean-Marie Schultz, 3rd ed.
(1995) PrenticeHall, byCharles Carlut, Walter Meiden, 5th ed. Thistext is designed to review all the common elements of French grammar,both orally and in written French. Numerous exercises are provided.Heinle, by Roger Hawkins,Richard Towell, 2nd ed. This book is the extensivelyrevised and updated edition of a reference renowned for its sweepingcoverage, straightforward approach, and simple explanations. The authorsgive extra attention to areas that are especially difficult for English-speakinglearners. It is designed for people with an intermediate or advancedknowledge in French, and it covers both formal and informal language.The new edition features fresh examples and even easier to use cross-referencingand indexing.
McGraw-Hill, byJohn Barson, 5th ed. This classic review of Frenchgrammar is written in French specifically for English-speaking learners.The media edition includes access to Quia online activities. Holt,Rinehart, & Winston, by JacquelineOllivier, Martin Beaudoin, 4th ed. Writtenentirely in French, the text provides complete and systematic grammarcoverage intended for students at the intermediate level. Heinle, by Margaret Lang,Isabelle Perez, rev.
This reference guideto French combines traditional and function-based grammar in a singlevolume. Routledge, byPriscilla Gac-Artigas, Gustavo Gac-Artigas (2000). Anindispensable grammar reference book, this complete self-learningguide for beginner as well as advanced students of French offers asuccinct, clear, and easy-to-consult format. Each subject is presentedin its own chapter and the book includes many charts and formulasfor easy reference. Covers the foundations of grammar, as well asconjugations of essential regular, irregular, stem changing, and reflexiveverbs.
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Prentice Hall. ByElspeth Broady, Catrine Carpenter (1999). Savoir-Faireoffers a structured, progressive and effective combination of relevantsource materials, a clear focus on language skills development, oralpractice, and grammar reinforcement. Each of the 10 chapters focuseson a particular topic and skill set and ends in a project that drawstogether the chapter material and encourages speaking, writing, reading,and listening in advanced French., byJames S. Noblitt, 2nd ed. This software programprovides learners with rapid access to language reference materialswhile composing in a standard word processor.
The toolbar allows usersto readily look up vocabulary and phrases, check usage, and referto grammar notes while writing. Contains an 80,000 word bilingualdictionary with native-speaker pronunciation of words. Heinle, byH.
Jay Siskin, Cheryl L. Krueger, Maryse Fauvel, 2nd ed. Usinga process-writing approach, this third-year composition text helpsstudents master writing skills and gain confidence as writers. Thetext is set up in a workbook format and is written entirely in French,except for the first chapter. Students broaden their repertoire ofrelated speech acts, vocabulary, grammatical structures, and stylisticelements through three major sections. Each chapter features a modeltext-a literary piece, journalistic selection, or informal writing-thatrepresents the Francophone world.
Houghton Mifflin, byMonique Fol, Paul Barrette (1991). Presented entirelyin French, this book contains a broad mix of literary texts and stylisticanalyses which gives advanced students of French the opportunity toenhance their writing skills. Prentice Hall.
By Annie Heminway(2003). Providing entertaining contemporary textsin the original language, Better Reading French is for thosewho want to brush up on a foreign language. Authentic readings oneverything from music and sports to cinema and contemporary familylife are arranged in increasing difficulty within chapters. Alongthe way, learners will find instruction and exercises to help developimproved reading speed, comprehension, and vocabulary.
McGraw-Hill, by Karl C. Programmed text for acquisition of readingskills for courses beginning or rapid review. Prentice Hall. Berg, 2nd ed.
(2006) The program covers traditionalbusiness topics, as well as career practices and cultural conceptsparticular to French businesses. The core lesson within each modulediscusses in detail the latest trends in French business practiceand culture. Each topic equips the student with crucial vocabulary,and the subsequent activities reinforce newly acquired terms. Thefocus on France particularly helps students prepare for the examssponsored by the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris,and additional information on Quebec acquaints students with Frenchbusiness practices in North America. HeinleSee additional books on.
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