Silent Installation Of Firefox Esr 52.8.1 For Mac
Silent Installation Of Firefox Esr 52.8.1 For Mac Firefox 54.0 has been released on June 13, 2017 to the stable channel. The new version is offered through the.
On Windows 7 with Firefox 10, the cert8.db file is stored at%userprofile%AppDataRoamingMozillaFirefoxProfiles########.defaultcert8.db. If you are an administrator, you can probably write a simple WMI application to copy the file to the User's respective folder.Also, a solution that worked for me from.Copied CERTUTIL.EXE from the NSS zip file ( ) to C:TempCertImport (I also placed the certificates I want to import there).Copied all the dll's from the NSS zip file to C:WindowsSystem32.Created a BAT file in%Appdata%mozillafirefoxprofiles with this script.
Set FFProfdir=%Appdata%mozillafirefoxprofilesSet CERTDIR=C:TempCertImportDIR /A:D /B '%Temp%FFProfile.txt'FOR /F 'tokens=.' %%i in (%Temp%FFProfile.txt) do (CD /d '%FFProfDir%%%i'COPY cert8.db cert8.db.orig /yFor%%x in ('%CertDir%Cert1.crt') do '%Certdir%certutil.exe' -A -n 'Cert1' -i '%%x' -t 'TCu,TCu,TCu' -d.For%%x in ('%CertDir%Cert2.crt') do '%Certdir%certutil.exe' -A -n 'Cert2' -i '%%x' -t 'TCu,TCu,TCu' -d.)DEL /f /q '%Temp%FFProfile.txt'.Executed the BAT file with good results.
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