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OptionDescriptionAccount management sectionAllow user to change usernameSelect this option to allow users to change their usernames by editing their user profiles. This option is unavailable ifthe Auto Login option is enabled for your site.Confirmation that is required for the user to update email addressSelect this option to require site administrator approval for requests to update host email addresses. Ensure that the Review host account requests option in the Account Management Settings section is also selected.Lock out account after N failed attempts to log inSelect and then specify the number of times a user can try to sign in before they have to contact you for assistance.

Youcan also choose to have the site administrator notified when accounts are locked out.Automatically unlock account after N minutesSelect to automatically unlock accounts after the number of minutes you specify.Deactivate account after N days of inactivitySelect to specify how many days an account can be inactive before it is turned off. An account is 'active' whenever a userlogs on. You enable the timer when you turn on this option. You can enable email notifications for accounts that will be deactivated. Otherwise, users don't receive any notificationsfrom the site administrator to inform them that their account has been made inactive.Forgot passwordChoose one of the following options:.Send user an email with a link to change password.You can require administrator approval to send the emails. Check the Require approval for 'Forgot your password?' Requests check box.Require administrator to reset user's password.Allow user to change password even if Auto Login APIs are onSelect this option to allow users to change their passwords, even if the Auto Login APIs are in use.Manage user accounts through APIsSelect to use URL or XML APIs to create or change user accounts.Forgot passwordSpecify which options to display when a user forgets their password:.Specify site administrators to receive user password requests.Select Send email with the link to change the password to send an email that includes the password.

This email also indicates whether a site administrator must approve the request.Non-SSO sites have the Send email with the link to change the password option selected by default.Select Display brandable text if you want to create your own email message about resetting the password. SSO sites have this option selected by default. If the Manage user accounts through APIs option is selected, only the Display brandable text option is available.Account Sign up sectionConfirmation that is required for new accountsSelect to require confirmation for users to sign up for an account.

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Also, you can specify the number of days for which theconfirmation link is active. By default, the All meetings must have a password option is selected. We strongly recommend that you leave this option selected to help ensure the security of meetings onyour site.Exclude password from invitationApplies to Webex Meetings only. Select to prevent the password being sent in the invitation email.Restrict the viewing of recordings to users that are signed inSeparate options for Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training.

Select to require that users sign in to view recordings. If you do not restrict access to recordings, hosts can apply theirown security settings.Prevent the downloading of recordingsSeparate options for Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training. Select to prevent users from downloading recordings. If you do not restrict access to recordings, hosts can apply their ownsecurity settings.Allow attendees or panelists to join before hostApplies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only.

Select to allow participants or panelist to join the sessions before the host joins the session.The first attendee to join is the presenterApplies to Webex Meetings only. Select to designate the first attendee that joins the meeting before the host as the presenter.

This attendee has the balland can share content within the meeting. The join session before host option must first be enabled.Allow attendees or panelists to join teleconference before hostApplies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only.

Select to allow participants or panelist to also join the teleconference before the host joins the sessions. The join sessionbefore host option must first be enabled.Require strong passwords for meetingsSelect to require that all Webex session passwords comply with the strict password criteria that you specify. WBS39.6 and later sites— Require strong passwords for meetings can't be disabled after January 10, 2020.Display teleconference information on the meeting Info tab and the Information windowThis option controls the display of teleconference information when Personal Conference Numbers are used for telephony. Subscriberaccess code information can also be displayed with a suboption.

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By default, the options are enabled but can be disabled forsecurity.Automatically end meetings if there is only one participantApplies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only. Select this option to automatically end Webex sessions after a specified period of inactivity. You can specify that sessionhosts be warned some minutes so that they can prevent the meeting from automatically ending in a specified number of minutes.This setting applies to Personal Room meetings and audio-only meetings as well.Include Host Key in host meeting emailsApplies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only. Select this option to automatically include the host key in the host meeting emails.Other sectionRequire login before site accessSelect this option to require that all users have an account to log in to your Webex service site to host or attend Webexsessions.Require attendee email addressApplies to Webex Meetings and Webex Training only. Select to require that participants provide an email address to join Webex sessions.All Access Anywhere sessions must use strict access codeSelect to require that users specify Access Anywhere passwords that conform to your strict password criteria. For more informationabout strict password criteria.Allow user to store personal information for joining meetings and call-back teleconferencesSelect to allow users to store and access personal information, such as name, email, and registration. You can also use thisoption to remember previously and frequently used numbers when using the Join Teleconference dialog.Allow individual hosts to reassign their recordingsSelect to allow a host to transfer ownership of a network-based recording file to another user.