Client Api For Mac

Mar 03, 2020  Install client libraries The Google Docs API is built on HTTP and JSON, so any standard HTTP client can send requests to it and parse the responses. However, the Google API client libraries.

Cisco AnyConnect is the recommended VPN client for Mac. The is another option but is more likely to suffer from disconnects. OverviewStanford's VPN allows you to connect to Stanford's network as if you were on campus, making access to restricted services possible. To connect to the VPN from your Mac you need to install the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.Two types of VPN are available:. Default Stanford (split-tunnel). When using Stanford's VPN from home, we generally recommend using the Default Stanford split-tunnel VPN.

This routes and encrypts all traffic going to Stanford sites and systems through the Stanford network as if you were on campus. All non-Stanford traffic proceeds to its destination directly. Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel). This encrypts all internet traffic from your computer but may inadvertently block you from using resources on your local network, such as a networked printer at home. If you are traveling or using wi-fi in an untrusted location like a coffee shop or hotel, you may wish to encrypt all of your internet traffic through the Full Traffic non-split-tunnel VPN to provide an additional layer of security.You can select the type of VPN you want to use each time you connect.

Obtain the geographic location and orientation of a device.


  • iOS 2.0+
  • macOS 10.6+
  • Mac Catalyst 13.0+
  • tvOS 9.0+
  • watchOS 2.0+


Core Location provides services that determine a device’s geographic location, altitude, and orientation, or its position relative to a nearby iBeacon device. The framework gathers data using all available components on the device, including the Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, magnetometer, barometer, and cellular hardware.

You use instances of the CLLocationManager class to configure, start, and stop the Core Location services. A location manager object supports the following location-related activities:

  • Standard and significant location updates. Track large or small changes in the user’s current location with a configurable degree of accuracy.

  • Region monitoring. Monitor distinct regions of interest and generate location events when the user enters or leaves those regions.

  • Beacon ranging. Detect and locate nearby beacons.

  • Compass headings. Report heading changes from the onboard compass.

To use location services, your app requests authorization and the system prompts the user to grant or deny the request. An initial prompt is shown in Figure 1.

On iOS devices, users can change location service settings at any time in the Settings app, affecting individual apps or the device as a whole. Your app receives events, including authorization changes, in your location manager's delegate object, which conforms to the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol.


Adding Location Services to Your App

Implement features that can access information about a user’s location.

class CLLocationManager

The object that you use to start and stop the delivery of location-related events to your app.

protocol CLLocationManagerDelegate

The methods that you use to receive events from an associated location manager object.

Choosing the Location Services Authorization to Request

Determine the authorization your app needs to access location data.

Requesting Authorization for Location Services

Ask the user for permission to access their location.

Responding to Changes in Authorization Status

Receive and respond to changes in your app's authorization status in your delegate's method.

enum CLAuthorizationStatus

Constants indicating the app's authorization to use location services.

property list key NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription

A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information at all times.

Name:Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description
property list key NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription

A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information while the app is running in the foreground.

Name:Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
property list key NSLocationUsageDescription

A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information.

property list key NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription

A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user's location at all times.

Getting the User's Location
class CLLocation

The latitude, longitude, and course information reported by the system.

struct CLLocationCoordinate2D

The latitude and longitude associated with a location, specified using the WGS 84 reference frame.

class CLFloor

The floor of a building on which the user's device is located.

class CLVisit

Information about the user's location during a specific period of time.

VirtualBox can mount entire physical hard disks as well as only selected partitions of a drive. In today's tutorial, we will only discuss mounting entire VirtualBox physical hard disks. VirtualBox Raw Hard Disk Access. This method is called VirtualBox 'raw hard disk access.' This allows you to mount or boot a secondary hard drive or external USB, for example. Virtualbox raw disk image.

Configure geofences and receive notifications when the user's device crosses the fence's boundaries.

Monitoring the User's Proximity to Geographic Regions

Use region monitoring to determine when the user enters or leaves a geographic region.

class CLCircularRegion

A circular geographic region, specified as a center point and radius.

class CLRegion

A base class representing an area that can be monitored.

Ranging for Beacons

Configure a device to act as a beacon and to detect surrounding beacons.

Determining the Proximity to an iBeacon Device

Detect beacons and determine the relative distance to them.

Turning an iOS Device into an iBeacon Device
class CLBeacon

Information about an observed iBeacon device and its relative distance to the user’s device.

class CLBeaconRegion

A region used to detect the presence of iBeacon devices.

class CLBeaconIdentityConstraint

Identity characteristics that can match one or more beacons.

Determine the device’s orientation relative to magnetic or true north.

Getting Heading and Course Information

Use a device’s orientation and course information for navigation.

class CLHeading

The azimuth (orientation) of the user’s device, relative to true or magnetic north.

ForConverting Between Coordinates and User-Friendly Place Names

Convert between a latitude/longitude pair and a more user-friendly description of that location.

class CLGeocoder

An interface for converting between geographic coordinates and place names.

class CLPlacemark

A user-friendly description of a geographic coordinate, often containing the name of the place, its address, and other relevant information.

struct CLError
enum CLError.Code

Error codes returned by the location manager object.

let kCLErrorUserInfoAlternateRegionKey: String

A key in the user information dictionary of an error relating to a delayed region monitoring response.

let kCLErrorDomain: String

See Also