Prestressed Concrete Pdf By N Krishna Raju
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Author: Ben C. Gerwick, Jr.ISBN: Genre: Technology & EngineeringFile Size: 75.37 MBFormat: PDFDownload: 145Read: 924Methods and practices for constructing sophisticated prestressed concrete structures. Construction of Prestressed Concrete Structures, Second Edition, provides the engineer or construction contractor with a complete guide to the design and construction of modern, high-quality concrete structures. This highly practicable new edition of Ben C. Gerwick's classic guide is expanded and almost entirely rewritten to reflect the dramatic developments in materials and techniques that have occurred over the past two decades. The first of the book's two sections deals with materials and techniques for prestressed concrete, including the latest recipes for high-strength and durable concrete mixes, new reinforcing materials and their placement patterns, modern prestressing systems, and special techniques such as lightweight concrete and composite construction.
The second section covers application to buildings; bridges; pilings; and marine structures, including offshore platforms, floating structures, tanks, and containments. Special subjects such as cracking and corrosion, repair and strengthening of existing structures, and construction in remote areas are presented in the final chapters. For engineers and construction contractors involved in any type of prestressed concrete construction, this book enables the effective implementation of advanced structural concepts and their economical and reliable translation into practice.Category: Technology & Engineering. Edraw max 7.
CIVIL ENGINEERING BOOKS COLLECTIONS. BUILDING MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION BOOKS CONSTRUCTION. Prestressed concrete books; strength of materials books; structural analysis books; steel structures books; transportation engineering books; water resources (hydrology & irrigation) engineering books. pdf prestessed concrete by n krishna raju book free download.
Krishna RajuISBN: 254Genre: Technology & EngineeringFile Size: 32.95 MBFormat: PDF, ePub, MobiDownload: 237Read: 1311The sixth edition of this comprehensive monograph on Prestressed Concrete is updated to meet the basic requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Civil, Structural and Highway Engineering streams and practising structural engineers. The book incorporates the latest specifcations of the revised Indian, British and American codes, with emphasis on the limit state concepts universally adopted in the design of prestressed concrete structures. The design concepts, construction and rehabilitation techniques are well illustrated through numerous worked out examples, figures and case histories of actual structures.Category: Technology & Engineering. Author: Kim S. ElliottISBN: 579Genre: Technology & EngineeringFile Size: 62.45 MBFormat: PDFDownload: 552Read: 153This second edition of Precast Concrete Structures introduces the conceptual design ideas for the prefabrication of concrete structures and presents a number of worked examples of designs to Eurocode EC2, before going into the detail of the design, manufacture, and construction of precast concrete multi-story buildings.
Detailed structural analysis of precast concrete and its use is provided and some details are presented of recent precast skeletal frames of up to forty stories. The theory is supported by numerous worked examples to Eurocodes and European Product Standards for precast reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, composite construction, joints and connections and frame stability, together with extensive specifications for precast concrete structures.
The book is extensively illustrated with over 500 photographs and line drawings.Category: Technology & Engineering. Author: Kim S.
ElliottISBN: 008Genre: Technology & EngineeringFile Size: 55.72 MBFormat: PDF, MobiDownload: 749Read: 1296This second edition of Precast Concrete Structures introduces the conceptual design ideas for the prefabrication of concrete structures and presents a number of worked examples that translate designs from BS 8110 to Eurocode EC2, before going into the detail of the design, manufacture, and construction of precast concrete multi-storey buildings. Detailed structural analysis of precast concrete and its use is provided and some details are presented of recent precast skeletal frames of up to forty storeys. The theory is supported by numerous worked examples to Eurocodes and European Product Standards for precast reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, composite construction, joints and connections and frame stability, together with extensive specifications for precast concrete structures. The book is extensively illustrated with over 500 photographs and line drawings.Category: Technology & Engineering. RajagopalanISBN: Genre: Technology & EngineeringFile Size: 21.40 MBFormat: PDF, ePubDownload: 178Read: 908Simple design, low life cycle costs, and fast, easy construction are just a few of the reasons that make prestressed concrete attractive for use in bridges, water and wastewater storage tanks, ocean dock construction, flooring, and more. Prestressed Concrete covers the fundamentals of prestressing, systems of prestressing, losses, the ultimate strength of sections in flexure, shear and torsion, anchorage zone stresses, limit state concepts and holistic design of prestressed concrete elements.
The book also provides information on design of determinate structures and indeterminate structures (beams and frames) inclusive of cable profiling. It discusses special structures like pipes, water tanks, etc. And the behavior of composite structures such as precast prestressed concrete beams cast- in-situ R.C. Slab, along with its design provisions. Prestressed Concrete is a valuable guide for practicing engineers, students, and researchers.Category: Technology & Engineering. Author: Nigel R.
HewsonISBN: Genre: Bridges, ConcreteFile Size: 50.28 MBFormat: PDFDownload: 548Read: 640Prestressed concrete decks are commonly used for bridges with spans between 25m and 450m and provide economic, durable and aesthetic solutions in most situations where bridges are needed. Concrete remains the most common material for bridge construction around the world, and prestressed concrete is frequently the material of choice. Extensively illustrated throughout, this invaluable book brings together all aspects of designing prestressed concrete bridge decks into one comprehensive volume. The book clearly explains the principles behind both the design and construction of prestressed concrete bridges, illustrating the interaction between the two. It covers all the different types of deck arrangement and the construction techniques used, ranging from in-situ slabs and precast beams; segmental construction and launched bridges; and cable-stayed structures. Included throughout the book are many examples of the different types of prestressed concrete decks used, with the design aspects of each discussed along with the general analysis and design process. Detailed descriptions of the prestressing components and systems used are also included.
Prestressed Concrete Bridges is an essential reference book for both the experienced engineer and graduate who want to learn more about the subject.Category: Bridges, Concrete. Dirk BondyISBN: 173Genre: Technology & EngineeringFile Size: 87.10 MBFormat: PDF, KindleDownload: 510Read: 798The book combines history with academic notes for use at the university level, presenting design examples from actual jobs with applications and detailing for the practicing engineer. Chapter 1 tells the history of post-tensioned concrete as only Ken Bondy can tell it. Chapters 2-8 are the notes Dirk Bondy uses to teach Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures at UCLA and Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo. Chapters 9-13 are design examples that address many of the decisions faced by practicing engineers on typical projects. Chapters 13-14 cover the art of detailing and observing the construction of post-tensioned concrete. This knowledge was obtained over many years of working on our own projects and listening and learning from the the pioneers of post-tensioned concrete.
Chapter 15 covers the slab on grade industry, which represents more sales of post-tensioning tendons than all other post-tensioning applications combined. Chapter 16 discusses the challenging application of post-tensioning–external post-tensioning.Category: Technology & Engineering. Author: Charles W. DolanISBN: 826Genre: Technology & EngineeringFile Size: 40.73 MBFormat: PDF, ePub, DocsDownload: 273Read: 152This textbook imparts a firm understanding of the behavior of prestressed concrete and how it relates to design based on the 2014 ACI Building Code. It presents the fundamental behavior of prestressed concrete and then adapts this to the design of structures. The book focuses on prestressed concrete members including slabs, beams, and axially loaded members and provides computational examples to support current design practice along with practical information related to details and construction with prestressed concrete. It illustrates concepts and calculations with Mathcad and EXCEL worksheets.
Written with both lucid instructional presentation as well as comprehensive, rigorous detail, the book is ideal for both students in graduate-level courses as well as practicing engineers.Category: Technology & Engineering.
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